JavaScript Accordion using Prototype

Main Thread 3 min read

In my search for an accordion solution I came across two of mention. The first was from stickmanlabs. It had good functionality and the ability to create a horizontal accordion. But support for IE6 was lacking (although damn IE6) and and it used an older version of Prototype. I kept looking and came across the second, by Brian Crescimanno. This was a little smoother, with leaner markup. The code was cleaner and appeared very similar to stickmanlabs. So, I felt like I was on the right track. After reviewing the demo and reading through the comments, it needed more. So, in typical developer fashion, I made my own.

The Merge

In this case, I felt there were pieces of both solutions that were good. I decided to merge the two, and use Brian Crescimanno's as a base. If you want more detail on the individual solutions, I suggest reviewing the articles above. As such, I have provided an outline of the changes:

  • Updated stickman's horizontal functionality to Prototype 1.6.
  • Made more prototype-ish. Code wasn't taking full advantage of Prototype.
  • Refactored methods by grouping similar actions (e.g. toggle/clickHandler)
  • Removed modification of display styles, used height/width consistently.
  • Converted initialize parameter into an options hash.
  • Ability to change the "toggle" event.
  • Ability for multiple nodes to be expanded in a vertical accordion. Neither solution had this, and in my opinion it mimics a true accordion.
  • Better degradation. Modified "toggle" elements to be anchor tags. Integrated CSS styles to allow proper display if JavaScript is disabled.

The Solution

So without farther ado, here is an example of the merged accordion solution or you can download the source.

The markup requires three placeholders. A containing element with an id attribute you reference with JavaScript. A toggle element with a class attribute of accordion-toggle. I use an anchor tag for semantic reasons, but it can be anything. A content element with a class attribute of accordion-content. There is a one to one relationship between toggle and content elements.

1<div id="test-accordion">
2 <a href="#" class="accordion-toggle">Main</a>
3 <div class="accordion-content">
4 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p>
5 <p>Mauris dictum congue lectus.</p>
6 </div>

Currently the configuration options are the accordion type and event. Type can be horizontal, vertical (default), or vertical-multiple. Event can be any event supported by Prototype (e.g. mouseover, click). In addition, you can change the class names within the initialize method. However, keep in mind these are shared for all your accordions. The following code from the example creates a vertical and horizontal accordion on page load:

1document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
2 accordion = new Accordion({id: 'test-accordion'});
3 accordion2 = new Accordion({id: 'test2-accordion', type: 'horizontal'});

The CSS is the trickiest part. In modifying the CSS, I found that most bugs were related to the styles. When styling your accordion remember the box model. Padding, margin, and borders all affect the effect. Which makes sense considering this solution modifies height/width. If you start noticing jumpiness in the effect, check these properties.

In Closing

An accordion solution is relatively progressive. Although I feel this solution degrades better than others, it is not fully functional without JavaScript enabled. To resolve this, you will need some back-end support. By modifying the toggle elements to link to the current page with a URL parameter. On page load the back-end could parse this URL parameter to identify which node to expand and add the necessary CSS class (active).

A Disclaiming Note

Understand the web is a continually evolving environment. The code within this article is offered with an as-is warranty. My goal is that the article may help more than the code. Nonetheless, I always welcome your feedback, good and bad. Just know, that I know, this is not the solution and therefore may not work for you… Although in an ideal development world it would.

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